That's why we sort through all of the available data to build our used motorbike listings.
That lets you do real comparison shopping for the best deal on an Rt.
Our listing of used motorbikes in Darwin, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Canberra is comprehensive and detailed.
We're here to help motorbike hunters in their quest for a cheap Kawasaki Rt, or any other model for that matter!
Right now, there is a variety of outstanding late model used Kawasaki motorcycles selling for under $14,000.
You can use that data to determine what deals make sense and to guide you through motorcycle-to-motorcycle comparisons.
I purchased this bike about 2 years ago, it was fully rebuilt in 2006 by Brighton Kawasaki (receipts provided), and has been regularly serviced at Mornington Kawasaki since I bought it. Located in sandringham VIC