Are you looking for a private 1982 Suzuki R125lw?
Finding the right used motorcycle has never been easier.
If your heart is set on a private 1982 Suzuki R125lw, you're not going to be happy with a private 1982 Suzuki R125lw! Unfortunately, it can be tough to find the exact motorbike you want.
It's a lot easier and more comfortable to buy a used motorbike when you know what your other options were and you can confirm that you weren't overpaying.
If you thought you couldn't afford a late model motorcycle, think again! Visit our website today.
Don't make a bad investment.
A classic cruiser, still young. With lockable saddle bags. Smooth ride, beaut bike. Turns heads for all the right reasons. Selling up to buy a ute. Located in Wauchope NSW