How much should you pay for a private 1979 Honda Cl250s in Symonston, Capital Hill, Weston, Bonner, Weetangera and Stirling, Act?
We're confident you'll find exactly what you need.
We'll help you find an assortment of Cl250ss at the right prices.
You can then do the comparison shopping that will allow you to secure a fully-loaded Honda at the lowest possible price.
Our proprietary listing system culls information from a wide variety of sources to provide people like you with everything they need to find the right motorcycle.
The most difficult part of finding a used Honda Cl250s is knowing where to look.
CBF1000 genuine carbon fibre dash surrounds, tank protector & front ‘fender extender’. Immaculate, suit new bike buyer. Genuine Honda EXTENDED WARRANTY to July 2012. All service records & receipts. Located in West Pennant Hills NSW