It's time to find a used Kawasaki Ke175d at the right price.
We'll also give you more detailed information about individual makes and models to give you a chance to make the smartest possible motorbike-to-motorbike comparisons.
We make it easy to find a great used in Wollongong, Katoomba, Dubbo, Griffith, Nowra and Central West.
We make hunting for used motorbikes easy.
You need to think about how many km's it has on it.
Instead, you want accurate, objective information about the options available in Nsw, their pricing and how they compare to one another.
Good condition, full service just puchased. Well maintenance. New front-rear disbrakes, tyres and battery. This price include ORC and RWC. Contact number is 0433 767 267 # Mike Located in Abotsford/Melbourne VIC