Up to the minute at all times The precipitation radar, a service offered by BMW ConnectedDrive, is a further development of the weather forecast that is already available in the car. By contrast with the high-resolution precipitation graphics, this gives information on current and forecast weather conditions at the present location and the destination, as well as any selected locality in Europe. From July 2009, drivers will also be able to call up a “Precipitation Pattern menu option that provides an animated representation of cloud movements over the last 90 minutes. About BMW ConnectedDrive BMW combines individual online, assistance and service systems in the vehicle under the overall concept of ConnectedDrive. These are services that can be directly accessed using the navigation system or phone and they make a significant contribution to the enhancement of comfort and safety. For example, BMW Assist accesses the latest traffic information and provides a personal information service, alongside the emergency call function. Any data requested on restaurants, cinemas or hotels can be incorporated directly in the BMW navigation system as a destination. Internet-based services such as calling up share prices, weather reports and free parking spaces come under BMW Online. The vehicle uses BMW TeleServices to contact a BMW Service Partner automatically when it needs a service. |