"We were impressed by the conference turnout and thrilled by the overwhelming interest in our zero-emission vehicles," stated Bryon Bliss, VP of Sales & Marketing of Phoenix Motorcars. "Our vehicles offer an alternative fuel solution, while simultaneously supporting the lifestyles to which most people and companies have come accustomed to." In addition to being the only electric vehicle to participate in the conference's "Ride and Drive" activity, Bliss was also one of five technical panelists who discussed innovative technology and programs for the airport sector. Phoenix's battery-electric, zero-emission SUT can travel at freeway-speeds while carrying five passengers and a full payload. The SUT exceeds all specifications for a Type III ZEV, having a driving range of over 100 miles, can be recharged in less than 10 minutes and has a battery pack with a life of 12 years or more. It is powered by UQM Technologies Inc.'s (AMEX: UQM) propulsion system, utilizes Boshart Engineering's homologation process and is equipped with a non-toxic, revolutionary Altairnano NanoSafeβ’ (NASDAQ: ALTI) all-battery pack. ABOUT PHOENIX MOTORCARS, INC. Phoenix Motorcars Inc., a privately-held company headquartered in Ontario, Calif., has been an industry leader in the development of battery-electric, freeway-speed vehicles since 2001. The mission of Phoenix Motorcars is to manufacture zero-emission vehicles including Sport Utility Trucks and Sport Utility Vehicles to reduce the toxic emissions from the largest contributor to air pollution, personal automobiles. Phoenix Motorcars has strategic alliances with UQM Technologies (AMEX: UQM), Altair Nanotechnologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: ALTI) and Boshart Engineering. For additional information, visit www.phoenixmotorcars.com Source: Phoenix Motorcars |