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Lincoln Continental C. Review

July 2005
Filed under: LINCOLN Car News | LINCOLN Headlines

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Two important goals of the Lincoln design team were to maximize interior space and optimize ingress and egress. This led to the creation of a unique proportion, in which the Continental's cabin is centered within the wheelbase. The passenger space is exceptionally large, the trunk is cavernous, and a powerful 6.0-liter V-12 engine resides under the hood.
"The Continental is lithe and alive, but simplicity and elegance define the design," McGovern says.

The Continental's bodywork is finished in a color called Silver Sea Spray. Its surfaces are clean and uninterrupted, and a strong horizontal emphasis defines the front of the car. A signature Lincoln grille milled from aluminum incorporates four round headlamps that use an innovative remote light generator technology developed by Ford Motor Company in partnership with Philips Lighting.

In this system, light generated by a single source is transferred to each lamp by fiber optic cable. The technology requires less power than conventional halogen bulbs but produces two and a half times more light. Glare is reduced substantially because light dispersion is well controlled and the beam can be aimed precisely.

The outer edges of the hood rise slightly to meet chrome bodyside finishers that are applied with absolute precision. The sheer bodysides provide weight and strength and are interrupted only by subtly flared arches that wrap around 22-inch polished aluminum wheels and Continental tires. The elegant chrome finishers accentuate the car's length to add tension to the bodysides.

The Continental's horizontal emphasis continues at the rear of the car. A Lincoln star badge divides large LED lamps. The rectangular exhaust tips integrated into the valence subtly suggest that the Continental is powerful and capable.

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